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About Us

Snowchange is a non-profit cooperative that fishes in North Karelia, restores peatlands and waters across Finland, and supports Indigenous and local communities around the world. 
Find out more about us here
Explore our Rewilding Program here

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Our fisheries

Our primary fishing season is the winter. We practice traditional winter seining on Lake Puruvesi. It is a unique fishing method that takes place on ice. The first records of seine fishing at Lake Puruvesi date back to the 14th century. It is a small-scale fishery that keeps the lake and its fish stocks healthy and carries rich cultural heritage. The primary catch is vendace (coregonus albula), a small freshwater whitefish, that belongs to the Salmondiae family.  

Lake Puruvesi is known for its clear waters of excellent quality. The conditions of the lake make its vendace special. The vendace of Puruvesi is known for being particularly high in vitamin D and having soft bones (you can eat the fish with its bones!) 

Because of its uniqueness, regarding fish quality and the traditional harvesting tied to Lake Puruvesi, the vendace of Puruvesi received a Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) from the European Commission in 2013.

Learn more about the winter seining of Puruvesi by watching our documentary or by reading more here. 


In the summer, we take our small boat out to River Jukajoki where we catch bream, ide, pike, pike perch, and perch by fyke nets and standing nets. 

Our team

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